
Sherlock - The Game is Afoot

Khan - Capital City, Tel'al

Tel'al Architecture Exploration

Tel'al Thumbnails and Temple Designs

Dragon's Rise - Environment Design

Dragon's Rise - Tower Breakdown

Onmyouji - Entity Containment Wing

Containment Wing Layout

Onmyouji - Research Wing

Research Wing Design Iterations

Abandoned Ancient Temple

Abandoned Ancient Temple Process

221B Baker Street - Sherlocks Office

221B Interior Render

Archimedes' Study

Khan - Jungle City, Main Hut

Khan - Jungle City, Bridge Design

Khan - Jungle City, Main Hut

Onmyouji - Entity Container Render

Entity Container Design

Archimedes' Study Astronomical Desk

Archimedes' Study Props

Sherlock's Pocket Watch Design

Sherlock's Desk

Welcome to the Donut Diner - Juke Box Design

Breeding Waters - Oceans Grasp Ship Design

Unreleased Game - Victory Chest Design

Onmyouji - Tomoe Turnaround

Tomoe Design Process

Sherlock Turnaround

Unreleased game - Ellie Bell Turnaround

Ellie Bell First Pass

Khan Character Design

Welcome to the Donut Diner - Main Character, Denver